Trowel Trades inc joined the Masonry Association of Georgia and other companies within the masonry industry of Georgia in putting on the “World of Masonry” booth and skills competition at Construction Ready SkillsUSA and CarrerEXPO. The event was an overwhelming success with thousands of high schoolers and a handful of middle schoolers coming through our booth to learn about the masonry trades and lay a brick with their name on it in the wall of fame. The draw to the booth was a hard hat sticker applied to each student’s hat, a stamp on their OHSA card, the sky-high selfie photo booth, and the wall of fame. Each counselor, teacher and chaperone were singled out and give an intro to the Masonry Training Program sponsored by the Masonry Association of Georgia handout as well as a brief description of how the program works in hopes that they will promote it to the kids going forward.